Fire Safety Engineering (F.S.E): what is that?

Safety from the fire effects, for human life and property, is notoriously a complex problem.

The fire itself is a complex phenomenon and even more so its effects on people and things.

Researchers from around the world, since the early post-war years, have conducted theoretical and experimental studies aimed at understanding the characteristics of the fire and the phenomena related to it.

The scientific approach is in fact the only valid methodology for dealing with problems of this nature.

The scientific principles and the methods of engineering make the Fire Safety Engineering the efficient and effective tool for the safety of people and things.

In different ways the safety objectives can be achieved, favoring lower cost solutions.

Unlike the prescriptive method, which establishes how a building must be built without specifying its objectives – do this, do that and don’t ask any questions – the FSE method of performance, sets goals and optimizes solutions also in relation to costs.

Who is it for

To engineers who are involved in fire protection projects, to fire prevention technicians, to the technicians of the institutional offices, to the Fire Brigade officers, to university professors and their students, as well as to all those for whom measurements and calculations, duly justified, are considered to be more reliable tools in dealing with fire safety issues, of ‘’magic numbers ‘’ too often present in the rules.

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